Posts Tagged ‘Attacker’

Attackers‘ Chamber



Attackers' Chamber

Attackers' Chamber

From the 5th level of your „Chamber of the Queen“ building upwards you can build your attackers‘ chamber.

In the attackers‘ chamber you can train your free staff to become warriors which render uncertain and destabilize the meadows and other beehives.

You can capture and steal honey by leading attacks on other beehives. A single attacker can capture and carry as much as 15 honey.

Each kill you make in foreign hives when you get to meet defenders goes into your kill statistics. Whether you’ve won or lost the fight is unimportant.

The higher your attackers‘ chamber, the more attackers you can train. Remember, though, that you have to upgrade all your attackers‘ chambers individually in order to get their full strength. To send your attacker bees on a raid you have to be in the Chamber of the Queen and then send out the attacker bees from from each individual attackers‘ chamber from there.

Tip: Try to always build and expand your attackers‘ chamber highly and to match your fighting strength to your expansion level. That way even a lesser number of attackers sometimes may defeat a much greater number of defenders.