Posts Tagged ‘Def-Kills’

Defenders‘ Chamber




Defenders´ Chamber

Like the attackers‘ chamber you can expand your defenders‘ chamber only from level 5 of your „Chamber of the Queen„.

In the defenders‘ chamber you can train your free worker bees to become defenders which will protect your beehive from enemy attacks.

Also for your defenders‘ chamber applies the same rule – the higher the chamber, the more defenders you can train. But you also have to expand each defenders‘ chamber individually , so that your defender bees can gain their full strength.

If your defender bees fend off an enemy attack successfully, the kills go into your „def-kills statistics“. Even when you lose and the attack is successful the kills you caused for the attacker will go into the def-kills statistics.

You can also send your defender bees to other players to protect the beehive of another member of your people. For this you just have to go into your Chamber of the Queen, enter the name of the player you want to support and the number of defenders from the individual defenders‘ chamber you want to send out and then your bees are already on the way.

How long your defender bees will need to get to the other hive you will see by the time shown in the defenders‘ chamber.

The kills you cause while supporting other hives will go into your def-kills statistics, too.

Tip: Try to always expand your defenders‘ chamber as high as possible and match your fighting strength to the expansion stage. That way even numerically fewer defenders may be able to fend off a much greater army of attackers.