Posts Tagged ‘Tipps’

Hints & First Steps in BeBees

Here you will find useful tips and tricks on how best to start the game and get the ball rolling quickly. There are several alternatives – some are are effective, others less successful, but all reach the same goal sooner or later.

At the start of the game you and your beehive get

* 50 free worker bees and
* 2000 honey.

It is recommended to build a gatherer‘ chamber with the free honey. This will cost you 500 honey and will need 20 minutes. For the remaining 1500 honey you should first build a residential chamber with room for 20 new free bees, so that your Queen may fill the new residential places with births. A residential chamber costs 300 honey and to build it will need 10 minutes.

Now you have 1200 honey left (2000 honey – 500 honey gatherers‘ chamber – 300 honey residential chamber = 1200), for which you can train 30 gatherer bees out of your workforce of 50 free workers.

A gatherer bee will cost you 30 honey, and the training time is 1 minute. Since a gatherers‘ chamber offers space for 30 gatherer bees only you can only train this maximum number of 30 gatherer bees. That will cost you another 900 honey (30 gatherer bees * 30 honey = 900 honey).

Now you have:

– a residential chamber with additional space for 20 bees besides the 50 bees you already have;
– a gatherers‘ chamber with room for 30 gatherer bees and
– 30 trained gatherer bees, gathering honey for you on the meadows.

It is now up to you how long your gatherer bees will collect honey on the meadows. You may send out your bees to the meadows for a minimum of 1 hour and up to the maximum of 8 hours. A gatherer bee brings back 8 honey to your beehive in the first hour, but only 41.6 honey in 8 hours. To make this a bit clearer, here is the list of why in 8 hours less honey is collected than 8 times what is collected during the first hour:

1 hour = 8,0 honey (1 * 8.0)

2 hours = 15.2 honey (2 * 7.6)

3 hours = 21.6 honey (3 * 7.2)

4 hours = 27.2 honey (4 * 6.8)

5 hours = 32.0 honey (5 * 6.4)

6 hours = 36.0 honey (6 * 6.0)

7 hours = 39.2 honey (7 * 5.6)

8 hours = 41.6 honey (8 * 5.2)

Tip: If possible try to send your gatherer bees to gather honey for 1 hour only and then again 1 hour later. The shorter the flight times are, the lower are your losses concerning your gatherer bees. Because not always will all of them find their way back to your hive!

If you cannot send out your gatherer bees hourly you will have to take losses. From the honey collected you should build a new gatherers‘ chamber. Since you already have 300 honey left (2000 – 500 – 300 – 900 = 300 honey), it should be sufficient to let your gatherer bees collect honey for 1 hour, since then all will come back healthy and you get 240 honey (30 gatherers * 8 honey per hour = 240 honey).

Then you should send out your honey gatherers again to gather honey and train the remaining worker bees to be gatherer bees as well. Be careful, however, that you have enough space in your larder for all this honey. If you need more space, you should built another larder. A larder will cost you 300 honey and it takes only 10 minutes.

To play at the top of the game you will need 6 residential chambers and 6 larders sooner or later. The number of gatherers‘ chambers may vary. 2 – 3 gatherers‘ chambers should be enough actually.

As soon as you have built 6 residential chambers and 6 larders plus you gatherers‘ chambers, you have reached the point where the Chamber of the Queen needs expanding. It would be useful if you had the royal chamber expanded to level 2 and then follow suit with all the other buildings. After this, expand the Chamber of the Queen to level 3 and again follow suit with all the other buildings. This aim you should pursue up to level 4 of the Chamber of the Queen. From the 5th level upwards you’re no longer protected against attacks and may be attacked by other beehives. But from the 5th level upwards, on the other hand, you can build attackers‘ or defenders‘ chambers and can defend yourself and/or attack others as well.

To prevent false starts, an hourly production of 100 honey is guaranteed. This will protect you from coming to a point where you can’t expand anymore.

From this point on you should devise your own strategy and should also know how to do and handle everything./td>

Living Chamber

Living Chamber

Living Chamber

Living Chamber

Living Chamber

The Residential Chamber (Living Chamber / Habbitat Cell) are important for your hive because they provide space for your free worker bees.

The free worker bees will be born depending on the expansion stage of your royal chamber and they will need space. If the full number of your bee population is reached there won’t be any more offspring.

It is important to make sure that you have more space for newborn bees in your hive than you need because you can train your free worker bees to become gatherer, defender, attacker, spy, saboteur and guard bees.

Maximally, though, you can built a total of 6 residential chambers in your hive. This means for you that once the maximum number is reached, you will need to expand your residential chambers. Each new stage of expansion provides space for a further 20 bees.

Tip: Sooner or later you will need the full 6 residential chambers, to ensure a sufficient population in the beehive. Free workers you can train to become attacker, defender, gatherer, saboteur, destroyer, guard or spy bees. Since you will need many free bees for this, you should build and later expand all 6 residential chambers. If your residential chambers are full, the births of the queen are lost and you have a loss of free worker bees, which perhaps you might need.

Guards‘ Chamber

Guards´ Chamber

Guards´ Chamber

From the 5th level of your „Chamber of the Queen“ you can train your free worker bees to become guard bees. A guard bee will cost you 1,000 honey and must be trained in your guards‘ chamber. Even if you have many guard bees there will always be only one guard bee on patrol. The duration of the training is 20 minutes.

The guards serve you to fend off espionage by other hives. If another player tries to spy on your hive you have an even chance to fend off this spy.

Your guard dies when the spy succeeds in infiltrating your hive. If your guard bee catches the spy, the enemy spy dies without sending a message to its hive.

Enemy saboteurs must first overcome your guard as well. Here you have the same even chances to fend off the enemy saboteurs to protect your hive.

Tip: Because your guard tries to protect you from enemy sabotage and espionage attacks you should always have some trained guards available. If there are no guards in your hive you will never know whether there has been a spy in your hive or whether you have been sabotaged because none other than your guard bees can give you this information.


With a premium account you can benefit from many different advantages and conveniences. In addition, there are a variety of packages of premium offers.

Benefits of a Premium Account:






Max. length of the collector expedition 8 hours 12 hours
Honey-Protection from attacks in percentages
Queen’s Chamber Not-Premium
01 – 04 100 %
05 – 09 20 %
10 – 14 15%
15 – 19 10%
20 – 24 5%
25 – XX 0%
Queen’s Chamber Premium
01 – 04 100 %
05 – 09 20% + 5%
10 – 14 15% + 5%
15 – 19 10 % + 5%
20 – 24 5% + 5%
25 – XX 0% + 5%
Time until the next move of the beehive – every 30 days
– inside the ring
– every 10 days

– inside the ring and in the direction of the middle of the map

Avatar no avatar is possible
Building loops max. 3 building loops max. 5 building loops
Reimbursement when aborting building assignment in honey 0% 50%
Refunding when selling items in honey and Gelee Royal 25% 50%
Define throbber link No Yes
How much Gelee-Royal get do you per day free of charge? 0 2
Hof much I can free of charge „Update dealer (free)“ with the hero? 0 1

Gelee Royal Benefits

  • Since Gelee Royal is very popular with your bee population and is seen as a delicacy, your worker bees work much quicker after eating the delicious goods and the work applied to them makes more rapid progress. You can bribe your bees at any time with the tasty Gelee Royal to get the assignments done faster. Even the training of the bees gets done much easier and faster when you feed the trainees a little Gelee Royal.
  • For equipping your heroes with the so-called „super-items“, you also need Gelee Royal, because luxury and quality with special features has its price.
  • If you should have too much of the Gelee Royal and do not know what to do with it, you can always dilute it to honey of course.

Hero Chamber

In the chamber of the hero you can equip your hero with items and strengthen him. Similarly, you can train your hero with honey which increases his vitality and energy. The higher the level of the hero, the higher is his vitality. The cost of the items also rises with the level of the hero, i.e. the higher your hero is trained, the more expensive the items are.



Wasp: Are you a player who focusses on both attack and defence in equal measures. Then you should choose the wasp, because it strengthens your attacker and defender bees by around 15% each.



Bumblebee: If you are a player who prefers complete defence the bumble-bee is just the right hero for you, because the bumble-bee strengthens your defence by 30% and so ensures the security of your beehive.



Hornet: The hornet will strengthen your attackers by 30% and so is the perfect choice for all players who focus primarily on attacking.
Tip: Since your hero reflects your way of playing, you should think long and hard about how you want to play your game. There is something to choose from for every type of player, aggressive or passive. So think carefully before you choose your hero.

With the attitude you can design and devise your hero more individually. You can for example take an attacker hero and improve him with strong defensive values, so that, in case of an enemy attack, he may defend a lot better than he would if he was simply attuned to attacking.

There are a total of 11 levels for the attitude of your hero from lout (aggressive) to „in love“.

Aggressive is consistent with the hornet, which means 100% attack. In love is the bumble-bee – and this strengthens your defence by 100%.

Importance of the Hero

Hero Meaning
Hornets can choose between the attitude stages 11 and 6 (100% – 50% attack, 50% -75% defence) (aggressive – neutral)
Wasps can choose between the attitude stages 9 and 3 (90% -60% attack, 60% -90% defence) (fighter – sweetie)
Bumble-bees can choose between the attitude stages 6 and 1 (75% -50% attack, 50% -100% defence) (neutral – in love)

The attitude at a glance:

Attitude Attack Defence
Lout 100% attack 50% defence
Rowdie 95% attack 55% defence
She-goat / he-goat 90% attack 60% defence
Prankster 85% attack 65% defence
Rascal 80% attack 70% defence
Normalo 75% attack 75% defence
Cutie 70% attack 80% defence
Softie 65% attack 85% defence
Sweetie 60% attack 90% defence
Cuddly pet 55% attack 95% defence
In love 50% attack 100% defence

Buy Items

At midnight you always get 4 new items to choose from, which don’t get updated during the day unless you buy new products for 1 Gelee Royal.

To see which functions an item has, just click on it and then in the box „item information“ you can read what the various items strengthen, and by how many per cent.

In order to purchase items, you just have to pull them in the brown box, your so-called backpack, and then the honey will be deducted from your stockpile. From this moment on the items are yours already. But in order to let them really help in your hero’s fight you have to drag them to your hero. If you do not have enough honey in stock for an item, you can not buy it.

You can buy a maximum of 13 items. 5 items van be positioned on your hero and 8 items you can store or keep in your brown box, your backpack, exchanging them with an item already on your hero according to the situation.

Remember, however, if your backpack is filled with 8 items, there is no place to store an item your hero casts off to exchange it for another. You should take care that there is always at least one free space in your backpack.

Sell Items

You can sell items as easily as you can buy them. You just have to drag the items with your mouse from the brown box to the dealer. Note, though, that only 50% of the purchase value will be refunded for premium players.
Change Hero

Often players made mistakes with their choice of heroes and later had to act with a hero not to their liking with a game tactic that didn’t match their own. But now you can finally still change your hero later. For 10 Gelee Royal you can simply change your hero by clicking on one of the hero pictures highlighted in grey (shown in red in the illustration).

Change Hero

Change Hero

Afterwards you have to confirm once again that you really want to change your hero. When changing heroes the values achieved don’t get set back – they persist.


statistic menu

statistic menu

The statistic gives you an overview of your ranking in the entire game. You can fight to get to the very top in the point statistics, in the prey statistics, and in the kills as well as in the def-kills statistics. In order to get to the statistics you have to click on „statistics“ in the menu which you will find below the chat and then you will see the point statistics of the players.



Statistic Explanations
Point statistics: Here all your points and expansions are added together, which will give you an overview of where you stand compared to other players in the overall statistics. Moreover, the best players, the top players in the point statistics, can take part in a final battle where the heroes will fight against each other.
Prey statistics: Here all the players are listed who have succeeded in capturing honey from others. It is important in that you can see from this statistics whether a player is aggressive and belligerent or not.
Kills statistics: In the kills statistics you will see whether a player has a strong offensive or a not so strong offensive. Here every bee is counted you or another player has destroyed during an attack.
Def-kills statistics: The def-kills statistics shows whether a player prefers a strong defensive. Who’s on top in this statistics will probably have a strong defence. If your defender bees fend off an enemy attack successfully, those kills go into your „def-kills statistics“. Even with lost defences those kills you have caused for your attacker go straight into the def-kills statistics. This also includes your defender kills when you have sent out your defenders to support another member of your people.
Experience points The experience points are established by all the actions in the game. The way each action effects those points will stay a secret. We will only reveal that nearly every click in the game will make your experience points grow and rise.

You can also change from the player statistics to the people statistics. In the people statistics you can see all bee people. Here all the points of each member of the people will be added so that there will be a score for each people consisting of the points of its members.

Likewise it will be done for the prey statistics. Each member of a people contributes to the score in the prey statistics. The kills and def-kills statistics will be handled in the same manner, as well as the experience statistics. Every offensive and defensive kill of a member of a people will be added to those of the other members of the people and so results in the final result and the score of each people.

Statistics Calculation:

((Sum of all levels including meadows, without the queen chamber squared) * 10) * ((Level of the queen chamber) * 20) / (number of chambers, including queen chamber without meadows)


6 residential chambers (levels: 11, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15) = 82

6 larders (levels: 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 16) = 71

2 defenders‘ chambers (levels: 21, 21) = 42

1 attackers‘ chamber (level: 5) = 5

1 collectors‘ chamber (level: 11) = 11

4 meadows (levels: 2, 7, 7, 7) = 23

1 royal chamber (level: 21) = 21

= ((82 +71 +42 +5 +11 +23) ²) * 10) * ((21) * 20) / 17 = 13,527,952 points




The meadows provide your hive an hourly honey supply. How much this is depends on how many free bees you have available in your hive. Free bees are the bees which have not been trained as gatherer, attacker, defender, spy, saboteur or guard bee. These free bees go to the meadows every minute for your hive and thus provide the basic supply for your beehive.

The more free bees you have, the higher is your hourly meadow production.

Also, the expansion stage of your meadows determines the amount of the basic supply. The higher the meadows are expanded, the higher the honey production is.

Therefore, you have to find the balance which will provide the best honey production.

Similarly, each hive has a guaranteed honey production of 100 honey per hour from its meadows, so you can never sink to the value 0. That way you can still secure the survival of your hive, even when some building and expanding has gone wrong.

There is an exception, however. If you have not logged in for a longer time your meadow production will be reduced by 10 percent every day, even down to zero, so your hive can not be farmed any longer.

Meadow formula:

(0.12 factor * free worker bees * (sum of all stages of expansion of the meadows / 4)) + 100 = hourly meadow

Example Calculation:

(0.12 factor * 250 free worker bees * (level 4 + level 3 + level 7 + level 6) / 4) + 100 = 250 honey

Tip: Try to keep your meadow production low if your are not online often enough to spend the honey or don’t have defenders in your hive. Because once attackers observe that there is a lot of honey to steal it will be difficult to get rid of them again.

On the other hand, it makes sense for you to expand your meadows if you come online frequently and therefore can squander your honey quickly.

Defenders‘ Chamber




Defenders´ Chamber

Like the attackers‘ chamber you can expand your defenders‘ chamber only from level 5 of your „Chamber of the Queen„.

In the defenders‘ chamber you can train your free worker bees to become defenders which will protect your beehive from enemy attacks.

Also for your defenders‘ chamber applies the same rule – the higher the chamber, the more defenders you can train. But you also have to expand each defenders‘ chamber individually , so that your defender bees can gain their full strength.

If your defender bees fend off an enemy attack successfully, the kills go into your „def-kills statistics“. Even when you lose and the attack is successful the kills you caused for the attacker will go into the def-kills statistics.

You can also send your defender bees to other players to protect the beehive of another member of your people. For this you just have to go into your Chamber of the Queen, enter the name of the player you want to support and the number of defenders from the individual defenders‘ chamber you want to send out and then your bees are already on the way.

How long your defender bees will need to get to the other hive you will see by the time shown in the defenders‘ chamber.

The kills you cause while supporting other hives will go into your def-kills statistics, too.

Tip: Try to always expand your defenders‘ chamber as high as possible and match your fighting strength to the expansion stage. That way even numerically fewer defenders may be able to fend off a much greater army of attackers.

Spy Chamber



The spy chamber with the spy bees is available to you from the 5th level of your royal chamber.

In this chamber, you can train any free worker bee to become a spy bee for 1,000 honey. The training lasts 20 minutes per bee.

Your spy bees can spy on other beehives and will give you useful information. But not every intelligence flight is successful. If the player you want to spy out has a guard in his hive, you have, as well as he, an equal percentage chance to succeed.

If the guard bee of your opponent doesn’t detect your spy bee you get the useful information. If you are discovered, your spy bee won’t come back alive.

In order to get to the spy chamber you must first click on the Chamber of the Queen to get to the spy chamber from there.

You can enter the name of the player you want to spy out and then send out your spy bee.

By the time you’ll see how long it will need to get to the other beehive.

Tip: Before you attack an opposing player you should always spy him/her out before to get as many information about him/her beehive as possible to protect yourself against losses.

If you are out for attacker kills, you can of course look out for defenders. How you use your spy is left to you, but you should send the spy out as often as possible before the attacks, so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Profile edit & design

Profil Edit

Profile Edit

Profile / Edit

Profile / Edit

In order to get to your profile, you need to click the „profile“ button in the lower menu. Here you can adjust several features. For one, you can change your password and your birth date. Then, you can choose your gender and enter your location.

Most important is probably the function to edit the profile. In the large central window, you can use the codes you like to create your own page as you desire. Your imagination has no limits. To view your profile, you can then click the „preview profile“ button. There you will then see the profile you designed.

In addition there is the option to delete your account, so be very careful with your password so that you don’t find your account deleted one day by someone else.

Premium users have an additional button „Avatar“. Here you can upload your own avatar. Images must be in one of the following formats: .jpg. .gif or .png. The image file size must not exceed 1000 KB.

The image size should be 100 x 100 pixels, although there is a function that cuts larger pictures, but you can never be sure whether the image section selected is the one you want to be presented.

edit profile

edit profile

Tutorial – Edit Profile

To explain the upload of pictures to the profile to all we will show you in this tutorial how it is done.

1. Selection of the image

For the selection of the image you should take care that the image is not protected by copyright and that it contains no forbidden characters, symbols, etc. If this is not the case, you must first store it on your own hard disk.

2. Upload

To upload the image, you have to save it on a webserver. This can be done on your own server or a public one, such as for example

Note: At you have to click on the plus at the bottom and take the local link.

3. Embed

If the image has been uploaded, you can embed it in your profile with the correct URL address. Simply copy and paste the URL and embed it between the codes.

For checking the image you can simply open a new window in your browser and then enter the URL. If only your image displayed, you have the correct URL link.

Now you can embed the picture between the different codes.

4. Save

Then first save your profile before you have a look at the preview.

Profile Codes for editing your profile

Name Code
Font bold [b]Text[/b]
Italic font: [i]Text[/i]
Font underlined [u]Text[/u]
Text alignment center [center]Text[/center]
Text alignment right [right]Text[/right]
Text lists
Text 1
Text 2
Images [img][/img]
Links as a direct link [url][/url]
Links with text [url=]Text from the link[/url]
Links with picture [url=][img][/img][/url]
Text color highlighting for a short text [color=#FF0000]Red Text[/color]
Text size [size=20]big Text[/size]
Background image [bgimage][/bgimage]
Background color [bgcolor]#FF0000[/bgcolor]
Global text color [txtcolor]#FF0000[/txtcolor]
Global link color [linkcolor]#FF0000[/linkcolor]
Text color for limited text [color=FF0000]red Text[/color]
Text size [size=24]big text[/size]
Link to player [player]name[/player]
Link to colony [colony]colony[/colony]

Some examples for colors:

Colour Code
Yellow #ffff00
Red #ff0000
Blue #0000ff
Black #000000
White #ffffff
Purple #800080
Green #008000
Orange #ffa500
Silver #c0c0c0
Gold #ffd700

In order to get more colors, you can change the individual numbers from 0-9 and the characters a – f arbitrarily or check the internet for „color codes“.

Tip: Optimum width for a background image, which appears without repetition, should be 1000 pixels. Moreover, it should not contain too many different colors, because if you want to write something over it it will be difficult to find an optimum text color so that you can easily read everything.

Similarly, you should make sure that your picture and your profile are not sexist, pornographic or otherwise of a nature unsuitable for minors or contain a link to an adult website or breaking otherwise the law.