Posts Tagged ‘Hints’

Guards‘ Chamber

Guards´ Chamber

Guards´ Chamber

From the 5th level of your „Chamber of the Queen“ you can train your free worker bees to become guard bees. A guard bee will cost you 1,000 honey and must be trained in your guards‘ chamber. Even if you have many guard bees there will always be only one guard bee on patrol. The duration of the training is 20 minutes.

The guards serve you to fend off espionage by other hives. If another player tries to spy on your hive you have an even chance to fend off this spy.

Your guard dies when the spy succeeds in infiltrating your hive. If your guard bee catches the spy, the enemy spy dies without sending a message to its hive.

Enemy saboteurs must first overcome your guard as well. Here you have the same even chances to fend off the enemy saboteurs to protect your hive.

Tip: Because your guard tries to protect you from enemy sabotage and espionage attacks you should always have some trained guards available. If there are no guards in your hive you will never know whether there has been a spy in your hive or whether you have been sabotaged because none other than your guard bees can give you this information.


With a premium account you can benefit from many different advantages and conveniences. In addition, there are a variety of packages of premium offers.

Benefits of a Premium Account:






Max. length of the collector expedition 8 hours 12 hours
Honey-Protection from attacks in percentages
Queen’s Chamber Not-Premium
01 – 04 100 %
05 – 09 20 %
10 – 14 15%
15 – 19 10%
20 – 24 5%
25 – XX 0%
Queen’s Chamber Premium
01 – 04 100 %
05 – 09 20% + 5%
10 – 14 15% + 5%
15 – 19 10 % + 5%
20 – 24 5% + 5%
25 – XX 0% + 5%
Time until the next move of the beehive – every 30 days
– inside the ring
– every 10 days

– inside the ring and in the direction of the middle of the map

Avatar no avatar is possible
Building loops max. 3 building loops max. 5 building loops
Reimbursement when aborting building assignment in honey 0% 50%
Refunding when selling items in honey and Gelee Royal 25% 50%
Define throbber link No Yes
How much Gelee-Royal get do you per day free of charge? 0 2
Hof much I can free of charge „Update dealer (free)“ with the hero? 0 1

Gelee Royal Benefits

  • Since Gelee Royal is very popular with your bee population and is seen as a delicacy, your worker bees work much quicker after eating the delicious goods and the work applied to them makes more rapid progress. You can bribe your bees at any time with the tasty Gelee Royal to get the assignments done faster. Even the training of the bees gets done much easier and faster when you feed the trainees a little Gelee Royal.
  • For equipping your heroes with the so-called „super-items“, you also need Gelee Royal, because luxury and quality with special features has its price.
  • If you should have too much of the Gelee Royal and do not know what to do with it, you can always dilute it to honey of course.




To communicate quickly with other players in the game you can use the chat. In this chat everyone can write something, greet, ask, and just have fun.

To address an individual player, there is the red arrow. Click it and the text: @username will be transferred to the chat line. Please do not confuse this with the „whispering“ in other chats, this text can be read by any other user.

In order to write something in the chat, you just need to enter the text below and then click the send button. To reload the chat faster, you can also click the „update“ button, then the chat will reload immediately.

If you joined a people your people of course will have their own chat. To get there you just have to click the „people chat“ button in the chat. Once the chat is shown as bold you can be sure that only other members of your people can read what you write. Likewise you get back to the „main chat“ when you click on this button again.

In addition, there are moderators and of course a separate area for admins where only they can read and write.


Here are the codes for the possible Smilies

:) :-) =)
:-/ =( :( :-(
:lol: :D :-D :/
8) 8-)
:-O :o :-o :O
;-) ;)
:-* :*
:p :-p :-P :P
]:) |-) |)
:x :X :-x :-X
:S :s :-S :-s
In the chat you can compare notes with other players, chat, joke around and of course get help when you are encountering problems where the general help or the forum have been of no assistance. To not annoy people or misbehave, though, you should read the „chatiquette“ before which you will find above the main chat on the right side – and of course to adhere to it. Now, we just wish you to have fun chatting.




The meadows provide your hive an hourly honey supply. How much this is depends on how many free bees you have available in your hive. Free bees are the bees which have not been trained as gatherer, attacker, defender, spy, saboteur or guard bee. These free bees go to the meadows every minute for your hive and thus provide the basic supply for your beehive.

The more free bees you have, the higher is your hourly meadow production.

Also, the expansion stage of your meadows determines the amount of the basic supply. The higher the meadows are expanded, the higher the honey production is.

Therefore, you have to find the balance which will provide the best honey production.

Similarly, each hive has a guaranteed honey production of 100 honey per hour from its meadows, so you can never sink to the value 0. That way you can still secure the survival of your hive, even when some building and expanding has gone wrong.

There is an exception, however. If you have not logged in for a longer time your meadow production will be reduced by 10 percent every day, even down to zero, so your hive can not be farmed any longer.

Meadow formula:

(0.12 factor * free worker bees * (sum of all stages of expansion of the meadows / 4)) + 100 = hourly meadow

Example Calculation:

(0.12 factor * 250 free worker bees * (level 4 + level 3 + level 7 + level 6) / 4) + 100 = 250 honey

Tip: Try to keep your meadow production low if your are not online often enough to spend the honey or don’t have defenders in your hive. Because once attackers observe that there is a lot of honey to steal it will be difficult to get rid of them again.

On the other hand, it makes sense for you to expand your meadows if you come online frequently and therefore can squander your honey quickly.

Defenders‘ Chamber




Defenders´ Chamber

Like the attackers‘ chamber you can expand your defenders‘ chamber only from level 5 of your „Chamber of the Queen„.

In the defenders‘ chamber you can train your free worker bees to become defenders which will protect your beehive from enemy attacks.

Also for your defenders‘ chamber applies the same rule – the higher the chamber, the more defenders you can train. But you also have to expand each defenders‘ chamber individually , so that your defender bees can gain their full strength.

If your defender bees fend off an enemy attack successfully, the kills go into your „def-kills statistics“. Even when you lose and the attack is successful the kills you caused for the attacker will go into the def-kills statistics.

You can also send your defender bees to other players to protect the beehive of another member of your people. For this you just have to go into your Chamber of the Queen, enter the name of the player you want to support and the number of defenders from the individual defenders‘ chamber you want to send out and then your bees are already on the way.

How long your defender bees will need to get to the other hive you will see by the time shown in the defenders‘ chamber.

The kills you cause while supporting other hives will go into your def-kills statistics, too.

Tip: Try to always expand your defenders‘ chamber as high as possible and match your fighting strength to the expansion stage. That way even numerically fewer defenders may be able to fend off a much greater army of attackers.

Spy Chamber



The spy chamber with the spy bees is available to you from the 5th level of your royal chamber.

In this chamber, you can train any free worker bee to become a spy bee for 1,000 honey. The training lasts 20 minutes per bee.

Your spy bees can spy on other beehives and will give you useful information. But not every intelligence flight is successful. If the player you want to spy out has a guard in his hive, you have, as well as he, an equal percentage chance to succeed.

If the guard bee of your opponent doesn’t detect your spy bee you get the useful information. If you are discovered, your spy bee won’t come back alive.

In order to get to the spy chamber you must first click on the Chamber of the Queen to get to the spy chamber from there.

You can enter the name of the player you want to spy out and then send out your spy bee.

By the time you’ll see how long it will need to get to the other beehive.

Tip: Before you attack an opposing player you should always spy him/her out before to get as many information about him/her beehive as possible to protect yourself against losses.

If you are out for attacker kills, you can of course look out for defenders. How you use your spy is left to you, but you should send the spy out as often as possible before the attacks, so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

Saboteur’s Chamber



The saboteur bee is responsible for manipulating the hive of an enemy, so that it is no longer properly working in the chamber or meadow hit by the sabotage.

To manipulate a chamber or meadow, the saboteur bee has to defeat the guards of the hive you aim to sabotage. There the sabotage bee has an even percentage chance to succeed.

After successful penetration of the opponent’s hive via a random value one of the chambers or meadows gets selected. It does not matter whether this is empty or expanded. However, it should be noted that the Chamber of the Queen cannot be attacked by sabotage.

After one of the targets has been selected a new random value now decides between three different actions. It may be that the alteration, i.e. the dismantling or expansion of the cell/chamber will be be prevented. The second alternative is that the training of certain bees, such as collector, attacker or defender bees, may be disrupted. The third possibility is that the sending of bees from this chamber will be prevented, which means that no defenders can be sent as supporters, no collector bees can be sent to collect honey and the function of the attack is blocked as well.

In an attack on a chamber or meadow which does not offer the possibility of training bees, the expansion and dismantling is chosen as the kind of sabotage taking place automatically. Similarly, the expansion of an empty honeycomb is prevented automatically, should it be hit via the random value.

All successful manipulations will last 6 hours. If you get hit by a saboteur attack yourself, the chamber concerned is defective for 6 hours. If by chance a second saboteur attack hits the same chamber or meadow again the time of the second attack is decisive; the times are not added. In this case the chamber is fully functional again 6 hours after the second attack.




On the map you will find all registered players with their beehives. Once you click on the icon „map“ in the menu, the map opens.



When the map appears, you will see your own beehive in the middle with all the other hives in your direct neighbourhood. By simply clicking on your own hive or other hives a new menu will open on the right side, where you can see the coordinates of the player’s hive, his player name and if applicable to what people he belongs to.

In addition, you can attack him/her and spy on him/her. You can also have a look at his/her profile or send him/her a message.

To have a look at beehives outside your neighbourhood, you can click yourself through the meadows using the navigation arrows next to the map. If a hive is outside of your ring, it is presented somewhat fainter.

Beehives presented as broken-down have been abandoned for at least seven days. Which does not mean that these hives are empty of honey or defender bees. Should the player decide to login again his hive will again be shown as a „whole“ hive.

You can also move your hive. You must note, though, that since the users are placed circularly, i.e. ring-shaped, positions can only be changed within such a ring or you can move nearer to the ring center, where the – possibly – stronger users are placed because they have been playing for a longer time. Also you can not move every day, but must wait a while, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer, depending on your status (premium or non-premium). When you will next be able to move your hive, is shown on the right side of the bee map.


Try to find potential targets for attacks on the map, but consider that those attacked will certainly fly a counter attack. Therefore, it would be tactically unwise to choose the strongest opponents. With the map, you can check where your opponents are, the duration of your flight time for an attack and the expansion stages of your potential targets for attack.

Over night, it would certainly make sense to fly longer distances so that after a possible successfill robbery of honey you will not expose the honey unprotected in your own hive before you come online again. During the day attacks over shorter distances do make more sense, because then you can send out your attackers several times to different targets.

Chamber of the Queen



Chamber of the Queen

Chamber of the Queen

In the Chamber of the Queen all new bees are born. The higher your Chamber of the Queen is, the more bees are born.

In addition, you must remember that none of your chambers can be higher than that of your queen bee. That means for you that if you want to expand a chamber you first have to expand that of your queen.

Therefore you must also make sure that your larders always hold enough honey.

Furthermore, the rank of the expansion of your Chamber of the Queen has influence on the beginner’s protection, because until the 5th level noone can attack you and you can not attack others.

As soon as you have reached the Chamber of the Queen level 5 you can join a people. Then you can also build an attackers‘ chamber or a defenders‘ chamber. Note, however, that once you have got to level 5 you can be attacked by others. Therefore, it is advisable to expand every other chambers to the level of the Chamber of the Queen before you cross the threshold of the beginner’s protection.

From level 10 of the royal chamber onwards you can create your own nation. From the 10th level onward you also have a spy bee available to you to spy on the other hives, without being caught. Similarly, you can train saboteur or guard bees from the 5th level of your Chamber of the Queen. The destroyer bee is available to you from the start.

In the Chamber of the Queen you will also find the chamber of your hero and your „special forces“ bees.

Chamber of the Queen

Chamber of the Queen


The Chamber of the Queen is the one chamber everything in your beehive rotates around. I.e. there can be no chambers higher expanded than that of your queen. The Chamber of the Queen and its expansion stage defines when your attack protection ends (from level 5) and when you can build attackers‘ and defenders‘ chambers (also from level 5). The protection of your complete honey store also depends on it. Likewise, the training of your special bees depends on your royal chamber.

This means you should carefully consider whether you will quickly expand the Chamber of the Queen or wait until you have similarly expanded all the other chambers. We recommend the latter, to first get everything expanded to the same level and only then expand the royal chamber further.



In order to receive or write messages, you have to click on „messages“ in the top menu. If you’ve done this, a small menu opens with the items „inbox“, „outbox“, „battle reports“, „hero fights“ and „new messages“.



Here you find all unread to messages.


Here you’ll find all your new messages and notes from other players. Then the system messages will arrive here as well, such as „collector reports“ or messages if there was an „intruder detected“ or a „guard is missing“. Similarly, you can check up on the „sabotage of player XYZ“ messages here.


In the messages outbox, all outgoing mail messages are stored which you have written to other players.

Battle Reports:

If you have been attacked or have attacked other players, a battle report will appear in this folder. You can tell the messages apart by their subject.

Hero Fights:

After every hero fight you can look up the results in this messages folder.


In archives you can store important messages for you. These are not deleted.

New Message:

To write a message, you must enter the recipient and a subject. The subject stands for a headline. All three fields must be filled, otherwise the transmission is not possible.

Write Messages

Write Messages


read private messages deleted in 120 hrs
read non-private messages deleted in 72 hrs
unread private messages deleted in 240 hrs
unread non-private messages deleted in 240 hrs

Gelee Royal

What is Gelee Royal?

Gelee Royal belongs to the rarest forms of the so popular sweetener at Bebee. This extremely rare nectar can only be produced by the queen of a beehive and can only be found accidentally by your collectors on the vast meadows. It is also worth noting that the Gelee Royal of your own queen can not be used – because she gobbles it all up herself immediately.

If your collectors come back to your beehive with Gelee Royal, they are likely to have found an abandoned beehive, where the luxury honey has been left behind. But remember that the finding of Gelee Royal is always a matter of pure luck. It may therefore be a while before you have collected larger quantities of this coveted honey. But of course you can simply buy Gelee Royal as well.

How do use Gelee Royal

With Gelee Royal various actions can be accomplished in the game, sometimes actions can be accelerated and sometimes they can only be accomülished with Gelee Royal at all. There are several ways for using Gelee Royal. For example, you can use this rare nectar to accelerate building/expansion assignments or the training of bees and can reduce waiting times, like at the dealer, who has new products for you only once a day.

1. Reduction of time for building/expansion assignments


Reduction of time for building/expansion assignments

Step Action Implementation
1 Press the button „speed up expansion time“ After having begun with an expansion or the training of one of your bees to become a collector, attacker, defender, sabotage, guard, spy or destroyer bee you can use your existing honey to speed up the construction/training time. For this you only need to click on the „hourglass“ in front of the building for which building time should be speeded up.
2 Open the „exchange“ window After the first step has been done, you can „bribe“ your workers in the exchange window opening up with Gelee Royal, so that they speed up their works or their training. Per 1 Gelee Royal your bees work 6 minutes faster.
3 Input in the exchange window You can now enter your amount of Gelee Royal and see immediately how much time you will win by it. If you want to accept, just order the speeding-up by clicking „enter“ or „exchange“. The amount of Gelee Royal entered will immediately be subtracted from your account.

2. Exchange Gelee Royal for honey

"exchange" button

"exchange" button

Step Action Implementation
1 Press the „exchange“ button You can exchange your complete stock of Gelee Royal for honey. The amount of Gelee Royal you have bought can likewise be diluted with honey to fill your honey store. Just click on the Gelee Royal button for this.
2 Open the exchange window After the first step has been done in the exchange window which has opened up you can dilute your Gelee Royal, so that your store fills up with honey. Per 1 Gelee Royal diluted you will receive 100 honey.
3 Input in the exchange window You can now enter your amount of Gelee Royal and see immediately how much honey will be credited to you for it. If you agree you can dilute your Gelee Royal by pressing „enter“ or „exchange“. The amount of Gelee Royal entered will immediately be subtracted from your account and, converted to honey, credited to it.

3. Buy items and „bribe“ the dealer



Step Action Implementation
1 Click on the hero’s item To dress your hero with items in most cases you have to pay with Gelee Royal. To see how much honey one item costs and how much Gelee Royal is demanded for it you only have to click on one of the four items shown to you. Now you can see the prices in the „item information“ box.
2 Buy hero items Now you can pull the item you have chosen on your „own items“ field. The honey and Gelee Royal you have to pay for it will immediately be subtracted from your account. If you should not have enough of one of those payments there will be an error messages and you can’t buy this item.
3 „Bribe“ the dealer If once there is no item you would like to buy you can bribe your dealer with 1 Gelee Royal and then he will show you four new items. But the items shown before are then gone for ever! Now all the steps begin again – click on an item, see the price in honey and Gelee Royal and then buy it or don’t buy it and then bribe the dealer or wait 24 hours, and then he will show you new items voluntarily
Tip: You should always treat your Gelee Royal as something rare and precious, because it is a rare nectar. Therefore you should always consider carefully where to apply it and think about it beforehand three times. Most well spent it is for the items and speeding up building/expansion assignments.